Through the efforts of the Dementia Care Committee at Hazel Hall Nursing Home, and its liaison with residents, representatives, and families and the multi-disciplinary team, the High Dependency Unit will be developed into a centre of excellence in person-centred dementia care, which will serve to improve the lived experience of the person living with a dementia in an environment where feelings matter most.
The High Dependency Unit has been extended and now provides residents with a bright and spacious new recreation and dining facilities which overlooks, and has access to, the multi-sensory garden.
Samantha Boylan has completed university-accredited training in Person-Centred Dementia Care with Dementia Care Matters in the UK to lead the development of true person-centred care within this area.
Designated staff are now in university-accredited training with Dementia Care Matters to further progress Samantha Boylan’s vision for our future in person-centred dementia care and all staff are completing training in the Dementia Care Matters Model of Person Centred Dementia Care.
Read more about the philosophy of the Dementia Care Matters Model of Person Centred Care by following the link below: