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Hazel Hall Nursing Home can accommodate up to 44 Residents. It provides care for female and male dependent adults, aged over 18. The majority of residents are aged 65 and over. It provides for the following care needs: General (Care of the Older Person), Dementia, Physical Disability, Intellectual Disability, Acquired Brain Injury, Young Chronic Care. Please check with the Director of Nursing if you have a specific care requirement. It employs two Registered Nurses and up to seven Health Care Assistants per day shift (staff numbers will vary according to the dependency levels and day to day care needs of residents within Hazel Hall Nursing Home) and can provide care for low, medium, high and maximum dependency residents. Descriptions of dependency levels as used by HIQA in their “Annual Return for Providers of Designated Centres: Residential Care Centres for Older People” are as follows:
Low dependency: This category refers to people who need some support in the community and the more independent Residents in residential accommodation who require little nursing care. They are usually independently mobile but may use a walking stick and have difficulty managing stairs.
Medium Dependency: Person whose independence is impaired to the extent that he/she requires residential care because the appropriate support and nursing care required by the person cannot be provided by the community. Mobility is impaired to the extent that the person requires supervision or a walking aid.
High Dependency : Independence is impaired to the extent that the person requires residential care but is not bed bound. The person may have a combination of physical and mental disabilities, may be confused at times and be incontinent. He/she may require a walking aid and physical assistance to walk.
Maximum Dependency : Person whose independence is impaired to the extent that he/she requires nursing care. The person is likely to be bed bound, requires assistance with all aspects of physical care and may be ambulant but confused, disturbed and incontinent.
Source: Annual Survey of Long Stay Units (Department of Health and Children, 2006)