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Hazel Hall Nursing Home strives to provide a high quality service to all Residents. There is a structured process for receiving and acting upon comments, compliments and complaints. This process is open, honest and strictly confidential.

We are interested in feedback to ensure that our service is continually reviewed and refined in line with best practice and Resident choice. There is an active Resident's Committee within the nursing home, which meets once per month.

There is also a Relatives' Panel, where family members/representatives can meet with management and staff to put forward their own suggestions, views and feedback on the care and services provided within Hazel Hall Nursing Home.

Residents with individual comments/concerns are invited to speak to any member of staff in confidence, or to complete a Comments/Suggestions card.

Residents can nominate a family member, friend or advocate to act on their behalf.

Complaints, comments and suggestions about services at Hazel Hall Nursing Home, whether verbal or written, will be taken seriously and handled in a sensitive, timely and effective manner that protects the rights, privacy, dignity and confidentiality of those involved.

Comments and complaints will be prioritised and acted upon and used to inform continuous quality improvement and risk management of services provided.

Verbal complaints will be directed to the Clinical Nurse Manager or designated person in her absence, who will take appropriate action in this regard.

Written complaints will be forwarded directly to the Director of Nursing.

If you are dissatisfied with the response given, you may seek assistance from our in house advocates, our independent arbitrator, or from a recognised external advocacy group, information on which may be obtained from the office.



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