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PRIVACY: The right of the individual to be left alone or undisturbed, and free from intrusion or public attention into their affairs.
DIGNITY : The maintenance of personal dignity and independence, irrespective of physical or mental infirmity.
QUALITY OF CARE : The provision of skilled, sensitive and sympathetic care to enable all Residents to achieve the highest possible quality of life.
RESPECT : Respect for social, emotional, religious, cultural, political and sexual needs.
CONSULTATION : The right of each Resident to be consulted about daily living arrangements in the Home and to participate in discussions about proposed changes.
INVOLVEMENT : The right of each Resident to be involved in and informed about any assessment of need relating to him/her as an individual.
CARE PLAN : The right of each Resident to make informed choices about his/her future personal care plan.
SPECIALISTS : The right of each Resident to choose his/her own medical practitioner, dentist, or optician and to consult with them in private.
MEDICAL TREATMENT : The right of each Resident to make decisions about his/her own medical treatment where possible.
FINANCIAL AFFAIRS : The right of each Resident to manage his/her own financial affairs.
COMMUNITY : The right of each Resident to have access to facilities and services within the community.
ROOM CHANGES : The right of each Resident not to be moved, either within the home itself or to another home, without consultation. Management will carry out a room change following consultation with the Resident and his/her family where it is in the best interests of the Resident to do so.
COMPLAINTS : The right of each Resident to a formal complaints procedure and to be represented if he/she wishes. |