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Potential Residents

We understand that the decision to move into long-term care can be a difficult one. At Hazel Hall Nursing Home, we want to make your transition as smooth as possible. Our Director of Nursing will be happy to meet with you and your family to give you a tour of the building, introduce you to residents in occupancy and discuss any personal needs you may have, in order to ensure you receive our uninterrupted attention and we would ask that you kindly schedule an appointment in the first instance. 

Existing Residents

We operate an open visiting policy within Hazel Hall Nursing Home. However, in keeping with health and safety, we would ask that all visitors and personnel sign the visitors' book on entering and exiting the premises. On entering Hazel Hall Nursing Home, visitors check in at reception and partake in precautionary infection control measures as appropriate. Hazel Hall Nursing Home reserves the right to impose restrictions on visiting arrangements where the visit or time of visit is deemed to pose a risk or where the resident requests restrictions.



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